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Would love to know more about other Answerbankers. Please will you say if you are male or female and one or two things about yourself ........ I'm female, 50 years old (mentally about 25) and I love...
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I thought I read somewhere about some stuff that you can rub on the shoes or on your feet which prevents this Summer problem but maybe I dreamt it. Thank you
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We have a 'report this question' facility, so why no 'report this answer'? Even if it were for use only by the person who asked the original question. I have reported one person for offensive replies,...
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Did anyone watch this prog tonight,what was the result,do they work or not?
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Is there an option within this site to search for posts posted by a certain username? If so, can someone tell me how to do it?
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Ok...I need some cool ideas for a teen sleepover/party of about 3-4 girls. The ideas can consist of games, projects, ect... I need your help! (If more info is needed please ask)
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Can anyone recommend a fake tan that doesn't start to smell hideous a few hours after application (you know that nasty biscuity smell). Thanks !
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Miss Random
I once worked (volunteered) for a hospital radio station. Each morning I visited the geriatric ward to collect requests to be played that evening. The requests were mainly for 'big band' music or from...
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Would you, could you work for/with with Alan Sugar? I personally cant stand the Guy, but I suppose he is different off camera and at home etc. How these people can creep, crawl and stab each other in...
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Has anyone tried to get the rules changed with the Answerbank, to enable only one username on the site - then this cloning thing that is upsetting people wouldn't happen. On other sites, if I have...
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thinks you're not gonna get fired when you BRIBE someone to SABOTAGE a competitor in a TELEVISED TASK. d/147.html I'm ashamed to say I fancied her at the...
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So how many of you have tickets?
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Does anyone now what the underlying (or not) theme of this song is? Is about saving a relationship or actually saving someone's life?
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Does anyone else find it quiet therapeutic to listen to the rain against the window whilst in bed? I struggle to sleep at the best of times but for once am happy it's bucketing down!
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Has anyone read this book yet? Luckily I started reading it on Friday so I could read right through the weekend, I couldn't put it down. It truly is a brilliant piece of writing and made me cry...
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What can I use to remove black marks in the toilet pan, I think it is probably cause by limescale, have tried the usual toilet descalers from supermarkets.
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Which episode (think it's 2nd series) do Gavin and Smithy sing the rap from the England / New Order song "World in Motion"?
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Why is there no KFC in the Leeds City Centre? its soo annoying!! theres BK (yuck) and Maccies (ewww) and Pizzahut is being refurbished. so when i crave for fast food .. i crave for KFC but theres non...
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Has Dec got a girlfriend? I did read he was getting it on with Jonny Wilkinson's ex, but it's all gone quiet since then. I think he is dead fit (which is a very sad statement from a 32 yr old woman!)
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Why are chinese people, esp' the girls so small ? They often keep them self slim & trim (which is nice!), but they are all very small what ever the age ? why is this ?

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