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Don`t say pull yourself together. Any genuine advice?
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Q. "Hounds give it".....answer is a bodypart
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I had 60 of these to find and I have only 13 left now, having found the rest on my own...please can anyone help? 1. Scottish football team 2. Sounds like he lost the race 3. Weird shaped ones on a...
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what's a jar of lick
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Why does a superstitous cowboy throw his hat on the bed, and where are the facts found about this?
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can anyone remeber these they were like a baked snack in fish and chip shapes with the flavours of salt and vinager they were about 10p a pack!!!!
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where are the biggest authentic cowboy boots located?
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where are they at?
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Can anyone tell me what the music is on the new samsung mobile advert?!
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Get rid of these to55ers.
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This bandit was born in san Francisco in 1895 and, a decade later, gave rise to a gang that has been taking people?s money ever since. What is it and what?s its name?
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There's abronco that's been bucking on a certain state's plate since before 1938. Send us a photo of that plate and tell us the bronco's name?
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I know are probably sick U.S. Wild West questions by now, there is a contest going on in the U.S. for a million dollars, The team that gets the most right wins the money, so to cheat the other teams...
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is there any info on a tv programme from the seventies called Changes. It used to be on at tea time just before or after john cravens news round
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Anyone know what music is on the Lucozade Hydro advert, i know the one with the water figure, but this is a different one. Thanx.
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A bronco bucks you. As does a bull. But with this animal, it?s you that does the bucking. And if you do it well, you?ll win a few bucks to boot. What is this buck-able beast?
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One disturbs the peace and another keeps it. The third likes to take matters into its own hands. All three come from the same chrome horse corral. Name the corral and all three.
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One disturbs the peace and another keeps it. The third likes to take matters into its own hands. All three come from the same chrome horse corral. Name the corral and all three.
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One disturbs the peace and another keeps it. The third likes to take matters into its own hands. All three come from the same chrome horse corral. Name the corral and all three.
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one disturbs the peace and another keeps it. The third likes to take matters into its own hands. All three come from the same chrome horse corral. What is the coralls name and all three?

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