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I was wondering if any one else liked national anthems and where i could find a good web site with all the national anthems of the world on MP3.
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what is the myth of thomas edward "blackjack" ketchum
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I've just hard boiled an egg & found to my amazement that the yolk is pure white! What's that all about? Never heard of this, done a quick google but didn't find anything.
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Does anyone know the title of the song that accompanies the most recent Swatch commercial? It is something like " hold onto this", a slow song...
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What is the song playing during the Swatch commercial that's been showing during the Summer Olympics?
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which advert uses plasticine figures to match paint colour
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What is the name of the classical piece of music used on the British Airways advert?
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RHCP rule
what is the music to the swatch advert?
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Why not have a passport section and just have a banner that says: YES YOU DO NEED A BLOODY PASSPORT TO TRAVEL BETWEEN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES!
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Give posters a rating based on the number of stars they are awarded for their answers by the people posting questions.
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Games should be a catagory
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It would be great if we could have a text editor for inputting our questions and answers. We could change fonts and colours without having to resort to HTML code. I have found a site called RED RAVEN...
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is it possible to indicate how many members are online at a particular time, as well as the total number of members the site has?
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Can you have a category that lists new(ish) questions regardless of category, then we can see what is being asked without having to go through each category. Apologies If this is already done...
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I would like to see some of the suggestions acted on. Most of these suggestions have been posted months ago and nothing has been done. There is no point in having a suggestions section if will be...
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Rather than just a category search, I'd like to see a facility that trawls through all questions and answers when a keyword is entered.
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A 5 AD & 2 LG in B
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A 5 AD
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if someone starts a thread of interest to me, it would be useful to request that prompts are sent to me too when answers are appended.
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who went fishing without a hook on his line??

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