These clues are of well known quotes, songs, phrases or book titles etc that all contain a girls name. Where applicable, 'the' and 'a' are included. T S T S O the N The second 'T' is the girl's name....
Nearly there - any help for final four containers please 38. Boxes and instructs top trainees on Sunday 3 6 62. Simple song catches on supported by ratings 5 4 67. Provides sugar for the mule always 9...
Need help with the last three clues please.
1A: Evoke S?I??? (6)
9A: Awareness N?N???O?P?E?S (13)
3D: Become liable ????R (5)
Some letters might be wrong. Thanks in advance...
father christmas dream - 8
epic chronicle - 4
father rabbit - 7
release covering layer - 9
contain containers - 7
Help please, many thanks from my friends and me..........
totally stuck-help please and explanations 12a fast morning book 5 ??R?l 14a schoolteacher at the crossing from Windsor 8,4 ? ?????E??/???d road? 21a his work was all done from memory 9 ends in r i...
93a) change, modify (5) _ _ A _ T
105a) potato eg. (5) _ _ B _ R
49a) fracture (8) B _ _ A _ A _ E
39a) equal stakes (5) _ _ _ _ S
39d) occur next (5) _ _ S _ E...
Different places that can be found on, or near thee coast of British mainland. Hello everyone, I do hope you can help. It is a bit of a tall order I do agree but I am flummoxed. I would be very...
(2d) Arrive for a surprise. (4, 2.) _ U _ _ _ _ . (10a) 90's fantasy adventure whose sequels could have gone on and on. (3, 5 - 6, 5) _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R _ . (18a) Part of a more...
Variety of licquorice, (3,5), ?l? s????
Don't miss the delivery, but co-operate, (4,4), p?a? ??l?
A chess match, for example? (5,7), ??a?d ?e?t???
Finally captured an earthwork, (5), ??d??...
These initials spell a song title with a colour in it. Only clue is its a traditional song sung by different people. Any help greatly appreciated, Ta
I G L I T S A...
can anyone help me with these cryptic clues to fictional detectives , 1 Code cracker (6 7 ) 2 He's a jazz saxophonist I hear (7 6) 3 sounds like tinker &soldier haven't gone back (4 6) 4 is...
Exellent Quiz to make the old grey matter work, have done several but am stuck on a few, have studied my road maps to no avail. All places begin with A,B or C & are all in Great Britain. 2 Pardon...