1a Sporting proof of allegiance? Many postmen will be doing this at Christmas. (4, 8) _ _ R _, _ _ R _ Y _ N _ 19a Biscuits handed out at a fair (7) R _ _ _ _ _ _ 25a It's never out of order to put...
10a Woman not finished, so cross (6) _ _ I _ G _ 11a Grand adult and secure girl (5) K A T I _ (Katie, but why?) 6d Chemist; not a dish, we hear (5) N _ _ _ L
29a Unfortunate, inappropriate (12) _ N _ E _ _ _ I _ O _ S 32a Higher tributaries of a river (10) _ E _ D _ _ _ E _ S (Headwaters?) 28d Stabilising agent _ _ _ _ _ I _ E (Sedative?) The 2nd letter of...