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Well guys, I'm going to push the boat out today and do some real cooking. I'm making Moroccan Lamb Tangine with fruity cous cous and may attempt to make some Moroccan flat breads. This I will serve...
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Isnt it more honest, for the evolutionary,scientifically inclined, to describe themselves as agnostic, rather than atheist? Time and again, Ive read on this site that the best answer that we have as...
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what is it? Religionists see it as an act that is committed between a man and a woman, ideally in the confines of marriage for the product of reproduction. But why? Animals dont get married before...
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What does bird poo on left shoulder mean? Good luck? Bad luck?...
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Someone I met not so long ago say got sentenced to 2 months in prison for accessing a pay per view internet porn site in America (from the UK) looking at young girls who were 16 yrs old and over....
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sitting around drinking etc, What about the folks sitting around on AB all day (BTW ive got a day off work today)...
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my pal has got 2 mice in the kitchen he has no mouse trap is their something he can get to kill them by eating i mean tia...
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Does any one ever have a moment where youloose the plot and say things that you should nt have but its too late the damamge is done and you can't un do it? I had a moment last night i picked up the...
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Basicaly are we just a greedy set of B*st*rds who do not know how lucky we are? The Great British layabout lives a life that people of other nations can only dream about. and thinking about it, a life...
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I think that AB has all the makings of a book. It seems to contain all of human nature in all of its various guises.. true life love stories real life confessions heart ache and love money problems...
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I know you are angry with me right now, and you have every right to be. I cannot begin to imagine the depth of pain I have caused you, and for that, my darling, I am truly sorry. I hope one day you...
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i know the majority of us dont know each other in real life, so weve only got the 'personality' that comes across on here on the site, to go on.. but are there any ABers that you just cant seem to...
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1.IIIII 2. CY CY many thanks driving me mad!...
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Society is clearly losing the war on drugs. If we were to legalise them one of the major reasons for burglaries would vanish overnight, addicts would use a safer product, and the squalid life-style...
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i wrote around 10 flyers out this morn, stating to people that im sick of them parking in my space, i got 2 tickets this month allready for parking on the corner of my street because i cant get a...
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And the Dart Estuary. Bl00dy love it. What's your favourite part of the UK?...
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Are you Ready __ _ _ _ _ _ ----- STORM They were together in the House. = Just the two of them. It was a cold, dark, stormy night. The storm had come quickly and = each time the thunder boomed he...
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Never thought of myself as an alcoholic but realised a week or so ago that I was becoming reliant on alcohol to unwind at night. In turn I was becoming increasingly erratic after drink, so have tried...
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why oh why do some folks take their dogs to carboots? I have seen large dogs being hauled around panting and miserable, great big dogs knocking stalls over, dogs tails being run over by buggys invalid...
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have just had a friend request from someone I was very good friends with about 7 years ago. She got into heroine and I tried helpng her, she used to turn up at mine when she'd been kicked out, I used...

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