Good evening. Help required please 14 across reported in ineffective fashion in this publication (6) W?E?L? 15 across part of victorias political policy (8) ?L?T?O?? 8 down satisfies European turning...
Back again !!
Just two left now
1 across discover about new kind of altered state (6)
T ?A???
3 down ring leader put inside by policeman is failure (7)
Help appreciated...
12a Power within Britain as reorganised between political groups (10) ???A?T???N 7d Counterparts work on book about river location (8,7) O?P???T?N???E?S Think I may have gone wrong
9 down They allow one to pay for fare on train (10 4)
?e???u?a?t ???s
12 across Cold at clubs perhaps ? women can wear this (7)
Any help gratefully accepted...
16 down Exploit commercial opening on northern river (9)
17 down Accommodation over club that's no longer a pressing requirement (8)
Any help appreciated...
Just 2 to complete. Help required
2 down divergent line of thought singularly touching (7) T?N?E?T
4 down Colonise area taken from pacific port (6) S?T?L?
Thanks in advance...
Bottom right hand corner 20 across Accomplished over mile in leisurely walk (5) A???M 29 across In New York or Washington say democrat is announced (6) ?T???D 21 down what projects to support British...