I have two clues, each with two possible answers. The act Aunty can prove genuine. (12) A?T?E?T?C?T? Is it Authenticate or Authenticity? I can't work out the anagram. Also - Sometimes Ulysses took a...
15d Insect deriving its name from its large mandibles. S - A - beetle. also 22a Unwanted mail - E -K. Thought it was spam, but doesnt fit. Thanks in advance for your help.
Learned Oriental writer (5) R?A?E. Is the answer Reade as in Charles Reade? If so, can someone please explain the clue. I can get Reade from "learned" leaving LN but that's it!
Hello...sorry that this is not a crossword-related question but I couldn't work out which section is suitable for comps. My mum has been searching for the last 'Sunshine' all day and she is starting...
15a.waiters do become ordained(4,6)?a???r???s 19a.trade is outwardly showing high principles(6)?d???s 21a.publicity stunt needed by drug addict(4)?y?? 22a.onerously imposing duty before second half of...
9d.specialised chat-line organisrd by involving community leader(9)??????c?? 12d.indulgent to allow another nine inside(7)????e?? 17d.bits of course yarn on drum(5)??r?? 15d.result in the cup,s hotly...
1d) Ostentatious display using a small amount of soda water (6) S???S? 2d) Cars crash in South Wales (5) R???A 19d) Feel concern about small number cut (5) C?R?? 20d) Staff do not declare (5) B?T??...
It does not sound good for the foot. (3) P?W Obvious answer seems to be "Paw" = foot but don't understand first part of clue. Anyone explain the relevance, please? (No doubt simple!)
Stuck on a couple, first time trying to do this xword, answers appear mostly cryptic. 11a) first take some cookery books. (5)T?M?S (think it's tomes) 17d) live on a ship, i.e. the Elizabeth. (6)...