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My mother is 88yrs old is always saying she doesnt feel well but when we ask her if its her stomach or have you got a headache etc she says she just doesnt feel 100%. Last week she got taken into...
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Anyone know why Jimmy is in such a bad mood and being secretive about his phone calls?...
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Anyone have any idea where I can buy frozen blackcurrant cheesecake? I used to buy them from Tesco and then the Co- but they have both stopped selling them. I just want an ordinary one with fruit...
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What was the first car you drove? But say whether it was (il)legal and whether it was on private land or a proper road etc. How far did you go? did anythin bad/ interesting happen?...
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my mrs must have been watching this programme..she has just made my money go on a girls night out........
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We've all heard the adage that "A dog is a man's/woman's best friend". Look at photo #13. Does that tug at your heart strings a little?...
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Just come in to see Gary getting taken away by the police please can anyone tell me what he's done? Thanks :)
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My daughter has asked for one of these for her 21st - please can anyone tell me if they are any good? They seem to be very fashionable at the moment! Thanks :)
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Has anyone any experience of a Nitty Gritty nit comb? How is it supposed to work? Thanks
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I did a dark wash today (blacks navy's etc) afterwards on taking them from the machine I noticed everything was covered in white bits (paper tissue) which my H tells me he left in his jeans pocket....
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Do you find some users image offputting? ie... do you look at some posts and just decide that you are not going to answer because of their avatar? Looks are sometimes everything!...
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inherit house and money from Fishwicks mother??
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i am so sure it must be a medical problem, i was never like this, gained a stone and have decent meals, but then still am hungry after dinner...why?
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id like to see the sorts of prices other items went for so i'd like to look back over the last few years of certain items i saw a way to look for items sold in the last few weeks but no longer thnaks...
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Can anyone help me? my Wesstie scratches so much that her skin gets all sore. She does not have fleas, she gets a monthly pill for fleas and worms.
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Francis Asis
Who was the actor playing Marc - the bloke Audrey was talking to in the hairdressers?
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Derek suddenly turned!!! I'm sure she could easily fight him off!!
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Who do you think .. let's start a lottery. Eric maybe ... for one?...
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and been satisfied with the results?
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Yes husband has got it and guess what.... its so much worse than what I had all over Christmas and I still managed to carry on!!!

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