Please help me? In aid of Childre in Need. All are either boys or girls first names. 1-4 are boys names, 5-8 are girls names. 1. We'd all like to know what this lost man is up to? (3) 2. Good on Ice?...
Initial letters of Christmas song & carols but not first line eg OWFIITR = oh what funit is to ride (1) ABSWHT (2) AFFMM (3) BIYESH (4) BTOES (5) CBHHA (6) FLTDAHO (7) HAVFYM (8)HCTBHB (9) HOTWMC (10)...
need these if one goes out on tree sports field with a pack could come from scotland for this this is for the more healthy people breed of sheep make these
Wax is ..? I'm still struggling to find a good answer for this. Already have Glossy Coat but I don't think that's right. Also "On the Medway". ? I have an answer for this too but it doesn't seem...
Can anyone assist with the following please? 29 Take a crude form of saddle and mix. 36 Destroy to assure and include the dog letter. 56 Put a note between discoloured and protective covering. 71...
Does anyone know of the phrase/verse about 'Somebody' - often used in an environment where nobody wants to own the problem and passes it on to somebody to deal with -
Hey Guys! Ok, really wierd question, but what two famous quotes would be suitable to put on a door hanger? A quote that suggests not to disturb one in deep thought, and another about nothing is more...
Steve Wright 1961 - two words (can have small words between i.e. and, the, of etc) also Ladies at Cambridge - Wax is - Is the 'Valley of Weeping' - Celtic mountain ranges -
one word answers with different letters of the alphabet,1to aspire to,2 six winged creature, 3 an elderly gentleman4,bat, 5 a squatter,6 indicates a million.thanks
the answer to each clue includes the letters dia or aid 4. the harbour spoke (4,4) 7. founder of lindisfarne (2,5) 8. metabolic illness (8) 9. in the past - legally speaking (9) 24. pinks (8) 28....