help please 4a watkins-pitchford in clerical gear,who counts as a dickensian businessman 8 ???B?L?? 25a hearless vet's disposal of an animal after death 6 ?E?I?T 5d father's struggling to secure...
help re unclued theme helpful-also 11a how mud moves like grease,carrying bweight 6 ?O???? 12a arab american backs musical 6 18a lawyer with wine for old maid 7 ????S?? 23a almost cook stews oddly for...
help please 1a aid to driver's prospect,we'll engage one cracking whips 8 ??????P? 11a what's smoked oyster i've trimmed,included in spanish dish ?9 ???A???L? 12a bond girlfriend no longer enthralled...
help please 1a coin with gold added by king pholus?7 9a ship seen in names for irish stories?9,ends s 12asimilar to calypso's corporal,quiet and hard to be fond of 9 ,ends e 26a european king keeps on...
qany hints re bithday welcome-beeching!and parsing re 1a listless and irrational in a sort of pit 6 dimple=pit ,anagram of limp? 10a played in new group,keeping time with skill 7,ends y 1dspring...
help please -last 2 and have looked up for ages-both conductors
32a GER?I?? 7and 26d ?A?I? 5 looks like satie but can't find reference to him being a conductor-thanks...
help please and parsing
12a problem with french name turning page 6 ?U?MO? ends mon=nom?
14a break- time first-that's the general drift! 5 T?EN? trend?...
last 2-help and parsing please
30a beast reminding one of hitler ,equipment stuff being one short!6 RA??IN ratLIN(e)
28d when it's missing leg,inclined to gofor 'big hit' 4 ??OG slog?
help please 1a rand may be in transmission of data?one's choice no longer 5 ????T 11a spongy,running inside like pyramus'eyes?10 ???R?????? 12a boiled leeks containing slice of conference pear 6...
last 2
2d a street lewis covered at full speed 5 A?A?N
9d confusion about direction of chaudhuri's a passage to england?14 ?I?O?I?N?A?I?N dis or mis/orientation?
help please 16a author of no highway,not lofty but primarily readable 6 ??R?A? 20a keele university's upset about first section of legal instrument 7 ????E?E 27a roman emperor mostly displayed in...
any hints re group welcome also9a stunner somersaults with worried screech 7 ??U???? ululate?bruiser? 15a enzyme with round shape?no chance! 5 ??A?? 32a bad children catching ball in galleries 9...
if anyone could scan these i'd be very grateful as have just got back from hols and someone had lifted the former from the library and i wiped out daniel's email by mistake!thanks
last few-help please and parsing 14a socially acceptable,albeit mousey according to hearsay 4 ?OE 20a aids to balance in flight,crippled before storm's onset 8 ?AL?EF?S 25a green cheese?a turn off for...
help please-trying to finish everything before hols on thursday! 1a "grand"applied to musical theme indicating canyon 5 G???? gully?gorge? 5a back nervously with eg terai on in salty plain 7 starts...
help please european agreement with baron in the old country 9 starts jleft gateway bearing suitcase 4 P??? open vessel heading north around baltic regularly 6 starts p (one of the ps is food/drink)...
help please 18d section held by friend of robin cook maybe?7 ????M?? 19d universal acclaim for increase 7 ????I?? 13d space-time phenomenon to grasp one's well up in 9 ??????S?? 5d wild escapade,act...
help please with unclued 17A NA? and 36D L?ND-together they're meant to cryptically suggest a set of us state abbreviations eg vermont ,maine etc-despite hints still can't get it-presumably one is...