23a Maestro allows things to pass (9) ??n?u?t?r 24a Gold and germanium right for boring item (5) ??g?r 26a Wise to have broadcast about a Greek character (7) S???e?t 27a Deputy has appointment with...
15a Worm outline also outside (7) An?e?i? 16a Curse back on headless figure (7) ?e???on 24a Wizard ma end spell in Ireland (6) ?e???n 26a Suspension perhaps about to start (4) ?t?? 17d Lone cry going...
18a big star - or small one in France (3) S?? 20a Seen after Tommy and Grease, they get fired (4) G??? 31a Even idiots have parties (3) D?? 40a Vettel frequently wraps up pole position (3) E?? 43a Go...
To confirm please 8a A child going to and fro (TOT) 24a Information about gas, for example (GEN) 20d Date - somewhat attractive one (4) ?i?h 21d Money left in restaurants as tips (4) ???a 23a Woman...
60a Main article in paper publishes first letter between the French and the German (6) L?a??? 61a Get rid od unwanted ones that call for a little suspicion (4,3) ?e?d ??? 65a Authority to mention...
I am so apalled by the dental technicians work on my false teeth I wish to complain about the company. Who do I contact to advise of shoddy work? Thanks