DITLOIDS 6 Y S on the S B WORDS 12345 represent a word As I 2534 and 252534 my 12345 - a 4 - it felt like a 431152 in my bosom. I 131154, and 23154 inwardly. My hopes for a good 451255 were 4534, no...
6d Also take left turn in continent to reach part of spain (9) A?d?l?s?? 18a Queen has excellent fruit (8,4) ?i?t???? ???? 16d Fellow finds bishop less serious (8) ???g???? 17d Teams playing with your...
8d Agrees to college head reviewing sonnets (8) C?n????? 19a Suggestion to copy outline (5) T?a?? 20a All the same Lady onfused son (4,2) S?e? s? 22a Clueless speculator arranged to see vicar (6)...
Hi, I am so sick of the part denture I have to wear that I want implants. I saw my dentist today about this and Iwas quoted £2000 for the first tooth the on a sliding scale less 10% for 12 teeth...