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always wondered.
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Just spotted Bigmamma on,.......this is the "come and talk to Bigmamma thread" she's wonderful and we love her here. :0)...
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You cant beat a bit of one of the best bands ever. :P
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I've just seen the news about the guide dog that got attacked and am absolutely livid and so upset at the same time. How can anyone do that?
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put up my xmas tree???????????????
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A firend has asked me for advice but I'm stumped. He is divorced and his ex wife is making it difficult to see their three daughters 13, 11 and 10. She also seems to be poisoning their minds against...
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Today i had a phone call from someone with an (i think) indian accent. He informed me that i had a virus on my computer. After a few minutes (being a cynical old Meldrew) i sensed something wrong and...
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I just watched this video and i'll warn everyone it is horribly graphic to the point that it made me cry,so don't watch it if you are at all sensitive to these things....
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anyone recomend any good books on body changes ect for her please?
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I hope I don't sound stupid or desperate, but I was looking for some parents to take me in under there wing.I never had parents and I kinda was wondering what it was like to have someone who cares for...
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So I know a boy of this age and he cries a lot and only stops when he is with his mum. He never sleeps alone always in bed with his mum or grnd parents. Will this become a problem when he is older....
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can anyone tell me the name of the guy on the leona lewis - happy video? Love this video so much!!
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Youngest daughter, 27, felt baby move. I will be a grandad in the Spring. I already have three beautiful step grandkids. Looking forward to another one....
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With out your TV, PC? Laptop?, what would you do?
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A Question was posed "why was the abuser who used WTF not deemed to fall foul of 'swearing rules'?" and the Answer by the Spare ED was “Because "WTF" doesn't have any of the...
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Can't stand the woman. Keep voting for her ! I love it when her name comes up every time. Let her earn her money. What do you think? Love George by the way, Kim to win !
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i did think about using a false bet are my friends right? suspected for some time now that my Mrs has been having an affair. The usual signs. Phone rings, I answer, someone hangs up....
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What’s your favorite foreplay activity?
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can life get any more exciting bye bye xx
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