Well, it seems that there is a biccie appreciation society among us. Just checked my cupboard and it seems I have a stockpile of dunking delights: M&S Dutch Shortcake biscuits, Bourbon creams, milk...
pastafreak Mon 06/07/09 13:10 Knobndot4eva...? KnobluvsD KnobsonDot Knobsaway ..?????? at 1.10 i was in asdas and not on here, so who's going to pull pasta up on posting about someone when they're not...
Obviously the powers that be have to maintain a certain standard on this site, and enforce rules, but do you think the Ed ever laughs at some of the posts that he zaps? I have to admit that, though a...
Does anyone know how long MJ was set to be on stage had he lived to perform the concerts? I heard he was only to be on stage for 18 minutes, is this true?
Ok, have been with bf for 6 yrs, have young baby, and generally good relationship, he always says he worries that I may leave him as he has little self confidence. Today I got an email from a lady via...
As a result of Molly Sugden's death I was reminded of one of my favourite lines of all time when I saw a repeat (not old enough to remember the first screenings!) of AYBS. "My pussy is all wet" Yer...
My partner has only said he love's me with out being promted twice once when we first meet ( which through me as we had only known each other for about 3 months) and once last year. Since then he...