Six officers for a terminally ill man for mooning? And on top of that dragging him to the ground. Honestly? I bet if he was burgled not a single copper would pitch up....
JCB have created a hydrogen digger. A new ICE not an old one tinkered about with but one that doesn't give out nitrogen. I've raised similar threads on here over the years but am usually derided by...
Bezos, Ol jug ears, scores of 'green' CEO's, 400 private jets to the 'climate crisis' conference. And then of course theres Biden in a walloping great plane with a cavalcade transported with him. You...
I wonder how many ABers would be left if Priti acts on this? (Perhaps a poll there ED?) Personally, I'm on the fence here a bit. On one side I see the need to be able to express your view without risk...
Not before time the Treasury are outing the Prime Minister for his(and his awful wife's) ridiculous and unaffordable green policies. Johnson has to go before his vanity projects wreck our Country and...
Shame plod dont follow suit. This is all going ton end in violence, and I cant say I'm sorry. These XR really need a good kicking. And if someone put their hands on my car like that there would be...
Ex-military chief to oversee biggest shake-up of NHS leadership for 40 years. Some of those empire building NHS 'managers' are not going to know what hit them. Go get them Sir Gordon and save our NHS....
An excellent piece from Andrew Neil. For me I cannot vote for a big Government, high taxation and high spending Party. The Torys should be about reducing taxation for individuals and companies and...
Any guesses as to what happens in Germany now? Surely there will be quite a void, love her or hate her there is now doubt she had big control over Germanys destiny for a very long period of time....
Perhaps Sir Kier should take heed?
It is being said the Queen supports the extreme left wing Marxist group called BLM. The Queen famously has always remained apolitical but if she has departed from this to support a Marxist...
// Mr Barnier, who is now considering a run at the French presidency next year, yesterday said the role of the ECJ in France should be limited. In an extraordinary intervention, he said: ‘We must...
This time targeting the Gays. It needs to be stopped, Patel needs to get a grip.
And in daylight too, what goes through their heads to do this?
Well here's you chance with this website that undresses you using AI and a photo. Sounds a bit odd to me but the public never cease to amaze me. WARNING: Dont put my photo on there you may never...
Oh dear oh dear oh dear: Labour, not the Tories, were the REAL villains of the child sexual abuse scandal What makes it worse is this is such a sensitive and serious topic....