No surprises here for anyone without rose tinted spectacles and blinkers on: oops, and only 500 on the clock. Someone must have had some... Surely the simple answer is to abolish the licence fee (tv tax) and if we must fund the BBC fund it from general taxation?...
or is it a matter of choice? I am in two minds here. Perhaps if are are in an intensive care situation every little can... I have to admit, given all the rantings of the left to Bankers, their Bank does not seem to be doing too well at all. Perhaps...
He is damned whatever he does, but will this help allay fears from Middle England that the Tories dont care about them, after all that is what must be top of GO mind.... It's actually quite an interesting study, for me the most significant is the small amounts that can stir a person into... So Ed now comes up with another idea. No vote unless powers are transferred to Bruxelles. Be a bit late by then though wont... I think they should be made public. Charles should be politically neutral but we all know he is...
What chance do our children stand with people like this around?... Hardly surprising I suppose, no investor likes uncertainty. With the... We often here about how grim it is in the north (and... OK, so mistakes happen but surely if you did that you would be...
surely someone needs to sort this nut out; preferably before he kills a load of people.... It appears that only around 10 deaths a...
Is this really going on?
Seems really strange especially if women are the ones initiating it....
Never thought I would ever agree with this man but on this I think he really has a point. Slightly generalized as some do have 'real world' experience but by far the majority in our state schools do... I have never understood why we insist on building on flood plains, apart from it makes developers lives easy as it tens... But according to Farage it is better than Cleggs voting record in the commons. I reckon Clegg is getting worried, he...