Hello , wife still in trouble, even after some help earlier.
13a. Minor change in audit oddly covers only males.(10)???U???E?T
4d. I double up in gym to get praise(7) P?A???T
Hello everyone, .....wife just needs these two,
2d. Boat crews primarily hauled in equal parts.(7) E?G?T?S
4d. A pity clue has to be edited for wood suppliers. (9) U?C?L?P?I
Hello,....wife would like help. 5a. Pet I caged during move. (6) ???G?? 10a. Squeezing you into costume needs force. (6)???E?? 13a Henry and two yanks managed to grab power in funny business...
Hello, must be a bad week, my wife is in need of help again! 10a. Partly cover pal? (7) ??E?L?? 14a. Cronies at alternative fashion houses produce them (9) C?????O?? 5d. Could it be represented as a...
Hello, wife struggling today .Help would be welcome. 10a. Church split? Miss trips round it. (6) ???I?M 13a. Articulate cathedral city writer hosts Roger.(4-6) ????-???K?N 31a. Passionate...
Hello, help for wife needed. 20a Cross old farceur's premature end (8) T?A?E??? 24a It's delivered in anger by one in business.(6) ?????? 8d. Heed saftey soon? potentially, yes(3,2,,5,a)...
Hello , wife needs help again 11a. Revenue picked up by investing enclosed duty(10) ??C?M?E???. 25a. ..cooked with twin brother at church dressed in this? (5,5)?H?T?,S???E 7d. He calls into ground...
Hello. wife needs help today. 19a. Euphorbia seems perfect at first on drive(6) S???G? 27a. Woman in charge of girls hugs large Dutch settler of old. (7) G?????R 20d. Impromptu? To pianist it's more...
Hello, help needed with the following :- 1a. Disapproval brought about current drop in value (12) ???????????? 1d, Widespread hunt granted by mistake. (7) ??A???T 10d.Telephone Sara maybe, having put...
Hello, have any of you 'Mail Crossworders' have the answers to:- 19a, 23a, 29a, 31a.11d,20d, &26d My wife, who is not herself today, is 'struggling', and I am too lazy to type in here all the...
Hello, can one you 'you experts' help my wife today.? 20a TUC member is not working behind university (8) O???N?S? 22a Group seem endlessly baffled by Freudian concept (8) ?U???E?U 26a Vicious bear...
Hello, wife needs help to finish today. 18d.Precision after top pair leave church office(6) C?R?C? 25a.Performer's beginning and finishing on ice.(7) P?N?I?? 23d. Nutty George, not gouty, distressed...
Hello, help needed for wife today.
24a.Birds in accounts ordered cent to be deducted (7) ??U?T?S
27a. Importance of curtseying perhaps? it's disregarded (7) ??G?N?Y
Hello, wife needs help again. 14a. Man will shortly face his fancy lady, gutted extremely (9) H?L?I?H?Y 21.d .Article I pinched following person doing same.(5) T?I?? 27a. Regularly cagded with whip...