Hello, can my wife get help with these.19a. Another duck dropped fertiliser in plant.(6). A?T?E?. 28a.Last bars in ME port secured by Russian boss mostly(7) C?D???A. 22d Ford apprentice finishes first...
Hello, can someone give my wife these two answers so she can finish.12a One of 30 here occasionally featuring in culture (4) ?L?E. Somewhere to accommodate first 4 in 10 ? (4) ?L?T,
Hello. can my wife get help with these.? 23a.Chenical expert, team leader, baffled CIA and police (6,4)A???I?,????. 29a. Spanish guy cleverly smuggled out Body Shop item (5,3) ?????,??N 31a. Agree...
Hello, can my wife get help with these two, 16a Alterpieces spoil this crypt(9) ??I?T?C?S. 16d. Make an effort to keep 16 ounces in hat (6) ??I?B?
Hello, wife needs help again.23a Officers story by posh occupier (10)?????N???.28a. Girl's first (6)?????? 29a. Boycott in charge of English ?. That's treacherous (5,3) ?????,I?? 30a Score double this...
hello, wife needs help with these.2d.Tatty underclothes put off the school rogues(10) S?O?N?R?L? 25a. Priests opt for replocating the worst behaved. (10) ?T???P?E?T. 27a. Again pick Scottish dance...
Hello, wife needs help with these two.11a.Madness frontman saves revised set for intimates (8). ??U???D??. 7d. The language of Tolkien and King Henry(6). E?V???.
Hello, bad 'crossword week' for my wife, this is three days running she has needed help. Here goes for today.1a.Impair sheep and rat's growth on dunes (6,5) M?????,GRASS.2d. I dropped into exotic...
Hello, can my wife get help with these.8d.One invested in more flexible furnisher(8). S???L?E? 15d. Brain expert ditched Nebraska to be a plumbing expert(9). U?O?O???T
Hello, can my wife get help with these. 10a. Engineers excellent track for treatment plant. (8) R???N?R?. 13a. A magistrate permitted band (6) ????E? 4d. Polish worker preserves old hair style (8)...
Hello, can my wife get some help to solve these,7d.Mop up hospital almost wrecked by this animal?(12)... ?I?M?P??????.29a. Ant's mate's basically moved describing line in poem(12) ???U?????B??. 20d....
Hello, just two more for wife to finish.8d. Australia's lyrebirds gather up stones. (6) ?E???S. 13.a How clocks vary in loyal NZ perhaps.(7) Z?N?L??
some help needed today.20a. Enthusiasm not easily picked up in London (6)
A???U? 27a. Initially many unpleasant files around horse. (7). M???A??
Hello, wife needs some help today.
7d.Enigma genius translated paltry and scanty letters (12).?R?P?A?A?Y??
29a. Fix lever in car, installing an intelligent transmitter.(7,5) ?R?????,N?D??