31a Scots and Northern English word for a stupid person or a cuckoo. 4 letters g_w_ I had put gawk but now I.m not sure if it is gowk! What does everyone else think? Thank you Also on sir lancelot...
Last two: 12a = non-clerical (secular lot argue in circles initially) _ A _ _ 10d = capital pain ( thoroughly wearied scholl boss gets a revoluntionary complaint S _ _ _ / HEADACHE
Last one ! 11a = herbaceous perennial plant / plant goddess I adored initially (cryptic) - 9 letters A _ T _ M _ S _ A I think its "SIA" at the end, but the goddess bit is confusing me as ARTEMIS fits
By looking in books and on the internet I usually manage to find 100% of the answers to the MOS prize crossword and only rarely,as a last resort do I ask on here. I think this is a good idea but i...
Yet again - one left and stuck! 8d = joining a party to change it (cryptic = sentry is marching within - it could be infiltration) E _ T _ Y _ S _ Is it entryism?
Last 3, and I think I have got two: 20d = threw = _ O _ S _ _ _ (is it TOSSED?) 26a = Notes = _ _ H _ (is it DOHS?) 23d Very (music) = A _ S _ I (no idea)