Hi i was wondering what was the thinking behind having to wait until you have posted 10 times before getting the chance to have an avatar. Surely if you 'had' to get an avatar then it would put off people coming on here spamming or just causing havoc for a few days as it is a process that requires you to fill in forms etc which may put off some people -not criticizing -just asking
magsmay.....You have enquired.....// will you miss me// ...Easy question to answer....Yes.
I am pleased that you are enjoying AB and by this time next week your Avatar should up and running.
Incidentally, you may already have discovered that, by clicking the word 'Topics' at the top of the listed categories, all the sub-topics are revealed.
Congrats on having established your Avatar. It's certainly unusual but very interesting.
Have a smile and read what my wife posted to the Ed about the Avatar which I set-up for both of us to be able to post in our own names. ( Viv and or Ron)