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The Decline Of The Uk Towards A 3Rd World Dump

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DTCwordfan | 18:28 Mon 16th Dec 2024 | News
5 Answers

continues on....the latest being the sale of the Royal Mail to some Czech outfit, a 500 year old UK company down the Labour laundry tubes to the Dump.

Disgraceful.....they're in a downward spiral as in they increase the prices of postage and their volume goes down, so what do they do - increase the prices again and watch the effect! How about promotional drops or doing deals with card companies etc around things like Christmas. 




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Labour have only just started.....

I see the new 5C are talking down the country again.

To be fair, they cannot make much worse a job if of it than is currently being made,.

Is it so bad? As a customer I find the mail service quite acceptable.

Maybe in a business sense it's losing money - I don't know or care.

I suspect that they have had to agree to do what they do now, ie deliver anywhere in the UK for the price of a stamp but how long that will continue is anyones guess.

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