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AnswerBank continually conking out this morning

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naomi24 | 12:06 Thu 25th Oct 2012 | Editor's Blog
111 Answers
I keep having to 'refresh webpage'. Anyone else having similar problems?

All other sites I've been into today are fine.


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I've said several times that I used to have problems when on IE9 but these disappeared when i moved to Chrome.

Well I spoke too soon. Today it's been taking over 30 seconds to move to a new thread or to submit an answer. I have noticed a message at the bottom about "waiting for ads silver disc" or something like that
Time for the Ed to comment further on this matter.:-)

I'm going to log off and read a book or watch a DVD.Absolutely fed up with answerbank "not responding"etc
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Came on AB at just before 7 this morning. All well - until about 9.15. Here we go again!
I have already submitted my views on the problem which prevails and am open to being proved wrong by the Ed and/or Gold/Silver badged Nerds.

My conclusion is that Ads are failing to download correctly and a classical instance has been highlighted by factor30. (Christmas Topic, which can 'Hang' for 20/30 seconds and then freeze.)

Please Ed say something.

I'm currently finding that if I wait for ALL the ads to download before pressing another key or clicking the mouse the problem doesn't occur.

But that's maybe a 10 minute sample so could just be coincidence
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Ed, something new to report. After being around since about 7am and having experienced ‘the dreaded conk’ only once this morning – after 9am - I thought ‘Great, things are looking up’. I then left my computer for a few hours and came back at about 1pm to find AB had conked again. I clicked on the restore button on the usual message that’s displayed when this happens, and got this :

‘We are unable to return you to AnswerBank. Internet Explorer has stopped trying to restore this website. It appears that this website continues to have a problem.’

The problem definitely seems to occur more frequently during the day after 9am.
Completely lost connection to Answerbank yesterday twice, on each occasion unable to access for a couple of hours. Also lost connection the day before.

Cannot recall the last time I had any issue connecting to Answerbank.

Using Google Chrome.
I am bothered that this issue continues and bemused by the fact that my views on the matter have Not been challenged.

Is it the case that AB has been 'Googled' and are forced to accept Adverts which cause problems.?

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This seems to be a mid-morning to mid-afternoon problem. Fine early morning and early and late evening - well, today at least.
I'm still getting probs with ab shutting down and also noisy ads. Just now I had one more word to write in crosswords and the blinking thing couldn't wait for me to submit first!! Definetely gremlins at work.
No problems at all for us on IE9 at the moment, although the little bar about cross-scripting pops up now and again (but not all the time).
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B00 and I have both been getting Malicious URL warnings over the last hour. Mine seem to have stopped now, DV.
In Chrome earlier when I logged on the script and You-tube links were a little off to the right and couldn't read full sentences even after shrinking text down. Now on Firefox no problems at all.
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Cupid, I don't have a problem with noisy ads - unless I especially want to listen to something I keep the volume turned down.

Boxy, I'm on IE9 - and the cross-scripting message has been popping up for months.
It all adds-up to ads. I'll just stick with Firefox and my add-on A-B'!

I use IE8 and it was becoming a big problem. I found a way to prevent it but I am apparently not allowed to mention it.
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