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Canary42 | 17:59 Tue 14th Dec 2021 | Editor's Blog
26 Answers
Isn't it time to ditch the Autumn leaves, and perhaps bring on some snow ?


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Yes, let it snow!!
All I can see is Big Ben !
It's big Ben with snow , silly
Are you sure ???
I'm with Shirley here, doesn't look snowy to me, just Big Ben in the background.
i see a couple embracing but no snow . . .
I suppose it's because it's not snowing in London.
You've hit the nail on the head there Douglas, nothing else exists outside of London.
... unless of course they need someone to blame or want something.
you're lucky (or unlucky) to get one snowfall a year in London. If AB wanted to be accurate, they could show the Big Ben tower as it really is and has been for years

but it's not very Christmassy

A Christmas tree would be nice, or a jolly Father Christmas !
...or a snowman, a robin. Anything basically!
Nice one burlyshirley, I do love your ambitiousness.
I would like a Christmas tree but alas I do not know
how to do the Avatar ? any help, please.

Thanking you in anticipation of same
There are instructions at the bottom of this thread...
thought the header was going to be changed to something approaching winter/Christmas...
Big Ben isn't very seasonal...

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