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Drumming Up More Members For Ab

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naomi24 | 08:21 Fri 23rd Sep 2022 | Editor's Blog
259 Answers
Has admin considered advertising and letting the world know we’re here?


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A copy-&-paste from one of my posts back in 2018:

"For a website that runs on advertising, the people behind AB seem to be remarkably poor at advertising.

If they put up a prize of, say, a hundred quid in a simple competition (open to all registered members) and then sent out a press release about it to the editors of Computer Active, Web User, Computer Shopper, PC Pro, Mac Format and Linux Format, including some blurb about what the site's all about, they'd get far more than a hundred quid's worth of advertising from it.

That would get lots of new people joining the site. (Obviously, some would only join to enter the competition but at least some would probably hang around to ask and answer questions).

[Actually, now I've thought more about the idea, the press release could actually be sent out to a far broader spectrum of magazine editors, including, for example, Compers News]"
The site is infested with too many bullies. As soon as new members arrive, they are deterred by what gets posted back at them.
CHRIS, what's to stop any of us creating dozens of duplicate accounts?
Nothing at all but that applies to many competitions. Anyway, it wouldn't really matter as long as lots of (genuinely) new people were encouraged to view the site.

The aim of my suggestion isn't to have a fair competition. It's to attract new members!
Life's too short for what could be $75 by the time it's drawn, TCL. :-)
Its totally pointless attracting new members if they are chased away by suspicious AB stalwarts.
^ Well said ..
I think the problem with AB is that people are led to believe that it is a site with professional people who can answer their questions (CB aside). It's not, it tends to be populated with anyone who just wants to 'have a go' at answering their question and a lot of people who want them to justify themselves or who answer their question with a question. There are professional people here but they have dwindled in numbers massively over the years.
You are right about one thing, Gromit, but the bullies are long-term users targeting other long-term users. 'Twas ever thus, as some like to say.
If you want to attempt to revive the moribund AB sack some of the pitiable moderators.
Maybe get someone to keep posting links to AB on the newlook website?
What Khandro said...
Drum out the liars and attention seekers who have had several identities.
Newbies have no experience of mods. It’s the cocky and rude replies that puts new to AB folk off the site and the glut of Kevins that turn longer members away.
I wouldn't think many people come here expecting free professional advice, 237SJ. As you say, they'll mostly go away disappointed if they do.
Non professionals who have been through similar experiences can offer good advice, explain procedures, sometimes reassure people, imo.
Anyway, I tend to stay out of serious topics. Stick mostly to News. ;)
'Kevins', gness?
A male version of a Karen, do try to keep up;-)
I heartily agree with Pete.
It would help is they could stop it with the double standards.
Are you talking about mods or members now, Tora?

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