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naomi24 | 08:21 Fri 23rd Sep 2022 | Editor's Blog
259 Answers
Has admin considered advertising and letting the world know we’re here?


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Mods/ED whatever, I can't fart without getting suspended but PP for example insults everyone every day and posts nothing but incomprehensible drivel and never gets suspended. Any new members must wonder what they've entered.
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10C drops mic and exits stage left :-J
The moderation is rather pitiful. There are one or two who operate based on who is posting and not what has been posted but hopefully the ED is beginning to see through it.

Multiple identities remains a problem. You don't know whether to laugh or cringe when seeing someone talking to themselves.
Well, come on! Tora accuses PP of drivel! I can hear the laughter from here!
There are a minority of posters frightening off new members by accusing them of multiple usernames without any evidence, I can't personally see what they gain by it.
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For a brief while Iconsidered a second identity when I saw two equally valid points of view and thought it would be an easy way to point out both sides. In the end I couldn't be ar5ed
Most people couldn't be arsed, Rowan, because they have other things in their lives.

Registering my current name after my previous one was a chore and I had to use my husband's email address because I didn't have a spare one. His email address is forever linked to my LCG account now, so I'd better be careful what I post.... ;)

Why anyone would want to spend their days and nights creating new emails and identities is beyond me. Perhaps they're housebound and lonely.
TBH this site was spoiled for me after I was attacked off site in a vile video. Change of identity and perpetrator still posting, supported by his fan club. Add to that the petty feuds I'd rather watch cat videos!
Rowan, I had no idea that had happened to you. Shame on the perpetrator. You are one of the most inoffensive people I have ever met in person and on the internet.

I haven't had any off-site problems, but then I don't do social media so they'd have a job trying to contact me.

Cat videos are awesome. Animals sure are nicer than humans.
Question Author
Bringing personal feuds or dislikes into this conversation is unhelpful. They affect whoever they affect but they don’t affect the majority of members so curing that isn’t a solution to the whole. People who want to help the site need to step back and look past all that. Imagine this is your business. What practical suggestions could you come up with to encourage growth?
I remember that happening Rowan and agreed it’s hard to watch that individual being supported by his fan club
I don't know anyone with multiple user names. There is zero evidence as far as I can see. One poster seems to think I'm about 5 different people but if they looked closely at the content and the lack of bowlock dropping they'd see I am not. Anyway the site can spot it easily by IP address if they wanted to. I don't think it's a real issue.
I think unfortunately as a group we have been a little left behind as the internet evolved, everything is geared up to be more about the me me me culture, rather than a desire to help others. It's all about likes and views, and young people demonstrating how to be the same as each other. I wonder if we would be better advertising within our natural demographic. There are online versions of most magazines, there are also older interest websites which may be willing to do a tit for tat advertising deal. This would also have the advantage of increasing the percentage of advertising on-site that may be useful.
//Anyway the site can spot it easily by IP address if they wanted to.// Not if one is using a VPN.....which any serious ..shole out to make trouble on here likely will do so.
ToraToraTora the early years Timeline

R1Man joined 11th Aug 2007
Left : Sat 02nd Feb 2008

Rov1100 joined Fri 07th Jan 2011
Suspended Fri 13th Apr 2012

R1Geezer Suspended: Sun 21st Aug 2011

CanisMajor Suspended: 24 August 2011

BrainsTracy joined: Tue 13th Sep 2011
BrainsTracy Suspended: Fri 14th Oct 2011

Kayles joined: Fri 21st Oct 2011
Kayles Suspended: 12th Dec 2011

d9f1c7 Joined: Fri 06th Jan 2012
D9f1c7 suspended: Thu 14th Jun 2012

MoonRocker Joined: Sun 17th Jun 2012
MoonRocker Suspended: Mon 06th Aug 2012

Thatcherite joined: :Wed 26th Sep 2012
Thatcherite Suspended :Wed 24th Oct 2012

KerrAvon joined: 25th Oct 2012
KerrAvon Suspended: 14th Nov 2012

RedGrant Joined: Fri 16th Nov 2012
RedGrant Suspended: 22nd Nov 2012

ZedBloke joined: Fri 23rd Nov 2012
ZedBloke Suspended: Fri 04th Jan 2013

PetitAnglais Joined: Sat 05th Jan 2013
PetitAnglais Suspended: Fri 11th Jan 2013

DangerUXD joined: 14th Jan 2013
DangerUXD Suspended: 12th Apr 2013

Titehead joined: Mon 15th Apr 2013
Titehead Suspended: Fri 19th Apr 2013

Tora Tora Tora joined: Sat 20th Apr 2013
Tora Tora Tora Suspended: Thu 20th Nov 2014

Egara_Flegin joined: Sat 22nd Nov 2014
Suspended: Sun 23rd Nov 2014

JackKnife joined: 26th Nov 2014
Suspended: 27th Nov 2014

I have missed many suspensions, and alter ego’s.
DTC: "Not if one is using a VPN.....which any serious ..shole out to make trouble on here likely will do so." - yes but most on here are clueless about such things, some can't even do links For FS!
"Multiple identities remains a problem. You don't know whether to laugh or cringe when seeing someone talking to themselves."

How about reporting your suspicions?
I have used a VPN for 10 years.
TTT, we all know you work in IT in the banking industry. Of course you use a VPN, you’d be daft not to.

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