not spiked ( like remifentanyl) the noun ( or er name) (*)
but surely qualified
and who will judge the qualification and whether it is just or not
( 440 useless posts in which we are all guilty , reader, later...)
Hadacard had a go at Nailit ( in front of me, you have to be quick at this) calling him, bald alcoholic. Nailit protested that he had a good head of hair for an alco....
and I thought it was better left....away it went.
Mrs Cheese - anti vaxxer was also active. She of course will protest she isnt an antivaxxer, ( all her frenz who have been vaccinated are now dead, some dead in battle some poisoned by their wives, others deposed (*) all murthered) isnt an antivaxxer but it telling the troof ( no not as she sees it, the unvarnished troof)
(*) as the secret mod boasted yesterday, she doesnt read Tostoy, she doesnt read Churchill, but yes today it is
Shakey - on AB ! (eek) for within this hollow crown which bounds the temples of the mortal kings keeps death his court.... Richard II you are quite right
oh dear dear where will all end?
- hey this is a quote from 400 y ago - who was it who was whining about hundred year old precedents in the law section yesterday? ( and I wasnt even trying)