You said some mods will now explain their actions and have given them 'secret' names in order that they may do that whilst retaining their anonymity, but if the request is removed (as happened a few minutes ago) how are they meant to know that an explanation is required?
You're probably right, spice. It's just that the OP said that since they were asking for donations refusing to explain could no longer be an option ... or something like that. Not to worry. As long as we know how it's intended to work it saves confusion.
It is a good question, Naomi.
I thought some people had misconstrued the meaning of the original thread. (or maybe I did)
So it'd be good to have that point clarified.
If a moderator doesn't have a 'secret mod' account, they won't be able to justify a removal. We will not be forcing moderators to have a 'secret mod' account, it is their choice. Generally, the accounts are for the benefit of the moderators, not the average user.
I haven’t seen any secret mod explanations yet (but I’m not on here as frequently as some). Anyone else seen one?
As for ‘ the OP (me) said that since they were asking for donations refusing to explain could no longer be an option’ maybe that was, in retrospect, clumsily worded. What I possibly should have written was ‘refusing to explain why a thread was closed won’t exactly encourage people to donate’
When you talked about 'transparency' on the other thread, SpareEd, I assumed that the intention was to improve the 'average' user's experience of the site and the justifiably criticised standards of moderation here. Clearly my hopes were too high and I got the wrong end of the stick. Thanks for taking the time to explain.
If your question or answer is removed and a reason is not given, do not keep asking for a reason. You must adhere to site rule 11. It is likely that the moderator who removed the question or answer does not have a 'secret mod' account.