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newmodarmy | 18:43 Wed 13th Mar 2024 | Editor's Blog
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"There are better options to support the content you love. Disable your adblocker Contact support POWERED BY  Admiral"

It's only on AB- started this evening. It's in AB colours so I assume it's an AB thing.

Is anyone else getting this? 





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I've reported this to the editors.  
18:50 Wed 13th Mar 2024

What about someone setting a quiz sheet, where the entry fee goes to Answerbank to help with the running costs?

@TheWinner Totally open to ideas. Do email us if you'd like to elaborate further and share ideas about how you think this might work. 

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Thanks Ed/everyone.

Ed- I'll donate if you can assure us that there's no link/info sharing of our personal details between Donor Box and AB's records

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I'd support a sponsored silence for some!😉

@newmodarmy Thanks. I know how important this is to some of our members who wish to remain absolutely anonymous, even to us here at AB HQ. Sadly, and frustratingly, whilst DonorBox allows us to provide the option of Anonymous Donations, as far as any information you provide is NOT available Publically (which we duly enabled at the outset as an option), it is currently still the case that we, at AB HQ, and we alone - CAN see the details provided in the form. Now, whether those details are genuine or fake - we wouldn't speculate (and have no reason to). 

Here is the article I thought I'd share about DonorBox's Anonymous feature:

My advice if you or any other Member would genuinely like to make a donation to AB anonymously is to Donate via PayPal; with PayPal, you will have more control over what information is shared with us on the receiving end. Details about how to Donate via PayPal and other methods are here:

I commit to continuing to look at alternatives. 

-- answer removed --

Nominate someone to run it (Buenchico?), pick a theme, invite Answerbankers to submit a question.  One question/answer per person. The question/answer  would have to be anonymous, (like answer removed) the top picked 50 questions would be the quiz. All the money raised would be for Answerbank's running costs, BUT, 10 percent of all the money raised could go to the overall winner's favourite charity, rather than offering a prize. 

I ran a quiz like this for a long time. No prize, but if you win, you choose who gets the kitty. Everybody loved it.

@TheWinner Thanks again. It sounds like an interesting idea. I'll take this back to the team and have a chat about this. Thank you. 

On a side note, I would absolutely love The AnswerBank to be a force for good outside of AB and I specifically like your idea of supporting Charities that Members would like to support. I'll ponder on this more broadly also. 

I'm getting the message still about using an adblocker.

When I ran my quizzes, the money raised was purely for Charity. That meant it didn't matter how many sheets I sold. (all questions/themes were mine). They were £1 each. Everyone knew there was no prize, but the winner got to choose the Charity the money in the pot was donated to (they also got the receipt).  Sometimes I sold 20, sometimes 80, sometimes more, sometimes less.

(obviously, mine were for charity only, not a percentage of...) but I think it would be better than asking for a donation. 

I'm still getting that message!

Sorry to hear you're still getting the message. The system checks whether you have an Ad Blocker installed, and whether the necessary Cookies used by The AnswerBank are loaded in your Browser. If it detects an Ad Blocker and there are no AB Cookies loaded in your browser, then unfortunately the Ad Blocker notice will show. 

Please either allow Cookies from AB, or remove add AB to the WhiteList of your respective AdBlocker. 

If you've followed those steps and you can confirm you are not using an AdBlocker and you are not blocking Cookies, please email so we can discuss this directly. 

I have an adblocker and use Samsung Internet. My settings already show, "allow all cookies" so why is that not being picked up?

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Maybe just refresh your browser?

Did that just the now and immediately got the message again.

@thecorbyloon Please do email us and we'll try and work out what's going on for you.

donations? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I've added this site to the whitelist so I'll see what like it is now.

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