Dear AB editor
I was going rely on the computer buffs who have replied to your question to speak on my behalf, but the truth is I don't understand what half of them are talking about, using computer jargon I don't understand. You say that a lot of ABs layout is left over from your predecessor, but speaking for myself, at least I can use the site as it is, I haven't the time to sort out another complicated system.I don't want pictures, blogs, extra tabs, or any other distraction that stops me from seeing whether there is an answer to my question (and this still doesn't appear in my inbox as you once promised)I also want to be able to give a reply easily. I am sorry if this upsets your users who do understand the lingo. I appreciate that you are only trying to improve the site, and can see future possibilites in your understanding of technology, but please don't lose sight of your current users who may want to keep it simple. I didn't really want to confess my ignorance, but unless people like myself speak up for what we want, I'm frightened that technology will move on too fast, and we won't be able to use the site for the enjoyable purpose it was originally intended.