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The AnswerBank Articles

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Can you help out

World's (un)funniest joke What exactly is Hotmail How best to chill wine 12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

How Where Why

How does glue really work Where are the best hotels Why can food affect mood 12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

The Body Beautiful

Would you expect your King to have tattoos all over his body 12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Simpsons Still On Top

The 300th episode is coming; the show's still great. How is it done 12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Most popular

Most popular threads... Don't forget to have your say as well: - The A-Team - Best film quotes - Classical music - Colour in the dark - Favourite words - Fox-hunting - Meaning Of Life - Nursery12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

What's it worth

Finding out the value of a work of art is an art in itself, but we can help.12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

A mouse about the house

It's tiny, but is it cute or a curse The menace of the mouse is revealed.12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Can you help out

World's (un)funniest joke What exactly is Hotmail How best to chill wine 12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

How Where Why

How does glue really work Where are the best hotels Why can food affect mood 12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

A festive feast...

We'll all be tucking in to turkey, sprouts and pud this Christmas12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Homer for Christmas

The 300th episode is coming; the show's still great. How is it done 12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003


'Waissal' : a greeting meaning 'good health' said by the host as they greeted guests with a hot drink of ale, honey and spices. Yule log originated as a real log that was blessed by the12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003


for articles on Home & Garden click here12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

People want to know YOUR opinion about...

How to remove pebbledashing from exterior walls The pros and cons of cavity insulation How to lay decking12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Do It Yourself: build a garden wall

Summer's (nearly) here and the time is right for... doing a spot of DIY. A wall, of any shape or size, could make an interesting feature in any garden. 12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

The ups and downs of life with a Yucca

Indoors or out, the Yucca is a hardy and attractive plant that doesn't need much looking after. Until the time comes to say goodbye... It's the plant that doesn't always do what it's told!12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

"There's a moose, loose, aboot this hoose"

It's all well and good if a mouse lives in a Windmill in Old Amsterdam - but what should you do if the mouse chooses to live in your house We have all the answers.12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003


for articles on 'Animals & Nature' click here12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

The strange case of the lyrebird

Deep in the forests of South-eastern Australia lies the lyrebird, an amazing looking creature with a surprise up its sleeve for those seeking peace and quiet and an escape from the noise and12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Spider, spider, does whatever a Spiderman can

Spiders - love 'em or hate 'em there's no escaping 'em. And while many people have a phobia about the eight-legged beasties, members of the British Arachnological Society explain something of their12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

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