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for articles on 'Arts & Literature' click here12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Getting about a bit

Joe Kittinger took a balloon to the very edges of space... then jumped out. China claims to have found the fabled city of Shangri-La (and want it to be a tourist destination). But wasn't the city by12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

What's my painting worth

It has been in the family for years, you;ve always liked it, and quite reasonably you hope that it is worth thousands; but you don't know anything about the artist. So how do you find out what a12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

On the UK's next European Capital of Culture

Birmingham, Bristol, Inverness, Norwich, Oxford... just some of the twelve cities in England, Scotland and Wales hoping to get the nod as European Capital of Culture in 2008.12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

The strangest people have tattoos these days...

You expect rock stars and the odd supermodel to have a tattoo or two. There are actors who prefer skin art to fine art. But what about the US Secretary of State with a dragon on his backside 12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003


for articles on 'Animals & Nature' click here12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Do you know....

...why moths are attracted to artificial light ...which animal has the most bones 12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

The strange case of the lyrebird

Deep in the forests of South-eastern Australia lies the lyrebird, an amazing looking creature with a surprise up its sleeve for those seeking peace and quiet and an escape from the noise and12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Spider, spider, does whatever a Spiderman can

Spiders - love 'em or hate 'em there's no escaping 'em. And while many people have a phobia about the eight-legged beasties, members of the British Arachnological Society explain something of their12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

How many animals are facing extinction

The Iberian lynx is in critical danger of disappearing off the face of the earth. There are less than 600 of them left. They feature in the latest version of the Red List Of Threatened Species.12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

for articles on 'Body & Soul' please click here12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

You can't get more diverse than this!

Can I get tights to boost my bum What does it mean if you dream your teeth are falling out What is the meaning of life You have to ask... Does size matter What's the average height for men in the12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

The removal of breasts and ovaries to prevent cancer

Strange as it sounds on first hearing, surgery to remove breasts and ovaries may be the best thing for thousands of women. The risk of breast cancer is so great in some cases, according to newly12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Brain food

Research shows that neurotransmitters in the brain can be radically affected by what you eat. That means that wise eating isn't just healthy - it can change whether you are happy or not - or12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003


for articles on 'Arts & Literature' click here12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

On the death of Alan Lomax

Leadbelly was one of the thousands of musicians first recorded by Alan Lomax, who has just died at the age of 87. But what impact could one 'ethnomusicologist' have on popular music in the 20th12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Getting about a bit

Joe Kittinger took a balloon to the very edges of space... then jumped out. China claims to have found the fabled city of Shangri-La (and want it to be a tourist destination). But wasn't the city by12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

On the UK's next European Capital of Culture

Birmingham, Bristol, Inverness, Norwich, Oxford... just some of the twelve cities in England, Scotland and Wales hoping to get the nod as European Capital of Culture in 2008.12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

What's my painting worth

It has been in the family for years, you;ve always liked it, and quite reasonably you hope that it is worth thousands; but you don't know anything about the artist. So how do you find out what a12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003


for articles on 'History & Myths' click here12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

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