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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
1363 Answers
What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
hello all, just a quick pop in to say oight oight and wish you all a good day tomorrow.
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oight oight all xxxxx
Hi all. Just had to come on to say that I am so pleased with Mr. S's good news.
Had a great time today on my walk across fieldsfull of sheep with their baby lambs.
We must have climbed over2 dozen stiles.
I'm in bed now after having a lovely bath.
All ready for tomorrow.
See yer later gaters x
Just cruising by to say good night .Thank you all so much for your good wishes .It's a huge relief for us .But I'll still be watching him like a hawk :)
I was so anxious this morning and didn't sleep well last night and then we had to be ready to get there for 9 am and you know what I'm like if I have to hurry to get ready.I'm so grateful to all the people who've looked after him through all this .
The nurse did a Dr Roberts (from the ad ) on his form !
"See you in five years "with a heart and a kiss
Goodnight lovelies ,sleep toight xx
Morning perple persil people... :)
cooler and cloudy but hopefully staying dry so I might freshen up me bedding...woo, exciting or what?

Yes shaney, I can imagine how you were feeling yesterday...and how you'll probably carry on feeling. I always thought that if and when I was given the all clear I would be whooping and hollerin' but actually all I felt was a quiet relief...and occasionally the apprehension still rears it's head, even after all this time. Now you can both enjoy the summer, lets hope it's a good one....and a medium to large lotto win would help it along nicely.

Have a good time Jude!
Good morning all. we have been out early again. The dogs are starting to run off further from me and come hammering back again, its all rather good. Lovely weather her but a bit chilly. The big bedroom sort out and replace starts today.
ooerrr, I thought I'd have a Billy Fury day today ...and I've just this minute found out it would have been his birthday....spooky! He'd be 74 today. It's hard to pick a favourite...

74....he can't be.
He was lovely .
Morning all .Nice day again but the forecast doesn't look to good for the weekend .Hope you're all ok this morning .Tums settled etc. I'm hobbling a bit .I twisted myself somehow on the bus yesterday .It was full of grockles going into town from the holiday camp and the one seat that was left was that high narrow one at the front .I had a job to get in and out of it and now my hip is screaming all the way down me leg .....sob.
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My neck is aching again after lugging the DVD all around Ibiza. I kept switching shoulders but it aches now. Lots of guirres here too. Big klu Klux procession tonight. boom boom drumming for hours.
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Glorious day here, having brekkie in an outside cafe with hija. Love Billy fury so much. But YouTube started playing and blaring out on my phone everyone's staring at me so had to turn the volumn off.

My earworm is that Hive advert "while Hive is controlling your heat king at home!"
I wish I could hear an earworm, my bloomin tinnitus has gone off the scale! I'll blame the air pressure, it's blowing a gale. Washing should be dry though...can someone fetch it in for me please? I'll give you 6d for some sweets. :)
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Quiet hre init !

Just eaten port sate with fried veg and noodles, quite naice. Am all washed ain a clean bed, with a turned mattress, all the dust bunnies have been removed from all round the floor edges, they are hard to notice on our fitted carpet. I mended my broken sunbed (I kept falling through one side, ) with chocken wire roped underneath, and with a lounger cushion on top it is fine and I have bathed for half an hour, but got bored, so mended my spray nozzle in the laundry room, which meant putting on a new hose and a new washer and tightening it all up again, been needing doing for two yrs, but he never gets round ti it, two halogen lights have gone int he kitchen celiling but I have no clue as to how to remove them, so that is up to him.

Need to do my huge pile of ironing but the house is too small to do it when anyone is here ( not all the rooms have strong enough leccy plugs) so hopefully I'll get a chance soon.
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I appear to be typing in gaelic again.
Oh dear Robi, tinnitus is torture. Shaney i hope the hip has stopped screaming. Trusting that Jude and Jno are having a wonderful time. goodness Neti, you have been busy. I have had a good old tidy round, started moving stuff back into the bedroom and taken in a mega delivery from Waitrose cos I had run out of just about everything. I have decided if I am going to live in the loo anyway i might as well make the most of it , so I had a huge curry and then strawberries for dinner. I didn't eat the whole punnet because I had two drooling dogs sat next to me doing telepathic "give strawberry" vibes. Little pigs.
"port satay"?how do you keep it on the skewer?????
I love satay
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I know, I know, forgive the typos, even I am laughing at all my mistakes.

You have been just as busy as I was woofy, but I just had so much energy I had to keep doing things.

Off to watch The Americans episode 8.
choken wire
My hip has eased off thanks Woofy after doses of Ibuprofen.Had a letter today for the pain clinic for 20th May so things are moving along .Just wish I could move along a bit more speedily .I haven't been busy at all today although I did some washing and cooked the dinner .
Ooh I love strawbs .I may ask Mr S to get a punnet tomorrow when he goes out . Goodnight all ,sleep well .
evening all, so glad to hear Mr S has been given the all-clear.

Hectic couple of days dashing round working out our National Trust cards, went to Longleat (the house not the lions), saw some old churches, some black and white Herefordhshire villages, saw a red squirrel (my first), a Roman villa (remains of), and finished at Bicester Village buying shoes.
ooo jno you were near my Fil (Radstock) Dogs have hunted themselves to a standstill tonight. Doubt we'll be going out tomorrow morning...heigh ho we will do something else instead. Oight oight all

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