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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
1363 Answers
What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
tescos have goats cheese Robi. there are a few kinds now, hard like emmenthal, soft like boursin and also one that is like brie or camembert.
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Grilled Goat's cheese is delish!! on a salad.

Strange weather here, sunny one minute, windy and chilly the next, and now huge black clouds looming overhead. Yes indeed tetes well and truly covered.

Big fiestas coming up, rock bands tonight and then again tomorrow til 4AM!! then next week Melendi, gorgeous spanish guy singer.

Two younger girls in a shop said they loved my hair and the colour?? luckily I sunbathed with the head in the sun so the hair lost most of it's blueish colour, awful it was. Must remember never ever to put ash blonde Rubia ceniza) on again. I have blue shampoo for when it looks a bit bright and that is OK:
OH once went horse-riding - the one and only time - and awoke a week later in hospital; thrown off going over a hedge, apparently. I don't think I've ever fallen over but I wobble and stumble a lot as my ankles seem to be very weak and just looking at a crack in the pavement can destabilise me.
yes, there's much piddlingforth here too...and I'm waiting for a small parcel, knitting yarn, I'm being adventurous & making myself a cardi...I hope it's still fashionable in 2020.
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Shaney may I have a link to the 7yr old q? I am being a nosey old biddy!
my eyes have been given the all clear - well, one is, the other is going to be a bit fuzzy forever - and I have booked an eye test so hopefully will have new glasses asap. Since early December I have been using what used to be my long-distance-vision driving glasses to read the computer screen and it's been quite uncomfortable.
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jno will you have to wear the glasses all the time?
That's great news jno, well done, you must be relieved. Does that mean we'll have to start brushing our hair and straightening our tiaras in here?
runs off to start photoshopping
Hello all
Much piddling and foggy forth here too.Gloomy old day .
Hope you're all as well as .If Mr S wants stir frys in future he can make them himself .My tum is in a bad mood .
That's good news Jno .Well done .
Here you are Neti
wow jno, what was OH doing jumping hedges on the first ride? I was never a good rider but I used to love it, the knees won't take it now.
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I am terrified of horses, if I cannot control a thing, don't want anything to do with it.
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well how silly is that after all this time.
I love horses, ee, them wor't days

Yarn arrived, I'm really pleased, it's a lovely silver blue/grey cotton mix. You won't be able to tell where the cardi ends and I begin.
only for reading/computers, neti, I won't need them for long distance, driving etc. The two eyes don't quite match at any distance but for long-range stuff the right eye is sharp enough to carry the left eye, which is okay really but not 100%.

It will make quite a change; I've had glasses for about 15 years.

I'm still getting dazzled in sunlight, though, so I'll need sunglasses more than I used to when I was peering through cataracts at the world. They may settle down, I don't know.
woofgang, I'm not sure jumping hedges was OH's idea. (OH can't really remember anything about it, but is not normally the hedgehopper type.)
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That's it in a nutshell jno, one cannot control a horse, if said horse wants to jump a hedge, then said horse will jump a hedge, ergo I will not get near any horse!!
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I have nothing against hedges, I have been in hedges, through hedges and over hedges, but that has been my choice not a horse's.
maybe it was the horse's idea??
I am at the high point of chaos here. The carpet is finished and my lovely godson and his bro are coming tomorrow to move the bed from the spare room into my room. The garage is almost clear ready to receive the bedroom furniture for painting. I am hoping that IKEA will deliver the new bed and mattress into the room they are intended for, they say they will but to check so i am waiting for them to phone back. Backup plan is to have it delivered into the garage and call out godson incorporated again. I have got baskets full of clean clothes that I can't put away because where they live is sat somewhere in the house in pieces. even the bathroom has got stuff in it. Oh and the kitchen looks like oxfam's back room.
Robi I can't knit or crochet although i can knot and tat. Go figure. My Mum found sunlight bright after her cataracts were done, it gave her an excuse to go around like Garbo.
Neti, I long ago came to the conclusion that i am not in control of ANYTHING so horses are no exception. I used to love the horse I rode, he was called Jester, he got so peeved with me when i did things wrong.
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Ah woofy what havoc, but will be nice when finished, I hope we get to see a piccie. I like to think I am in control of Mr N, hija and cat, but in reality I am not!
I frequently fall in hedges ....backwards. I look as if I do anyway :)
The cardie sounds nice .I sometimes feel like knitting something other than socks and wristwarmers etc. I'm crocheting a blankie atm,which will probably go to the charity shop 'cos I have so many odd balls of wool to use up .I mustn't buy anymore .

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