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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
1363 Answers
What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
Morning all
Another lovely day. Hope you're all ok .
Good Morning - There really is no escape is there - rushes off to find a desert island.

Hope all are well. x
telly is off here, though I occsionally switch it on for Lucy or Dan or a bit of cricket. I am going to Lord's tomorrow for a day's live cricket so that should be nice.
Don't worry, you won't see me again if I'm not welcome. And even if I am welcome you won't see much of me. Nice to see one or two old faces though :)
you're most welcome. One lump or two?
One or two old faces? lol...we're all old faces here ethandron, we've been on AB for 9 or 10 years. There used to be more of us but 2 or 3 have left the site so between us we've done over 100 years on here...that's a worry! :/ Anyone is welcome, we're just a little wary 'cos occasionally over the yrs we've had critics, stirrers & impostors.

Well the whole world and her shopping trolley was out this legs are on fire from standing gossipping.
Lumps jno, do they still make those? It isn't the same feeling when you pinch a sachet of sugar from a cafe. ...which reminds me, I could do with some mustard.
I am not Lottie, I am an imposter ;o)

your avatar looks as lofty as ever
Somedays I don't know who I am :)
Well, I can understand your caution. If it was widely known about I fear it could become overrun by a certain group, the same group which seems to have taken over somewhat and rather spoilt the site for me.
Anyhoooow, no lumps for me thanks, I'm sweet enought ;)
I don't mind not being overly welcome here, you are long established and have tucked yourselves away and I admire your longevity.....of threads that is ;-)

I was subjected to an attempted abduction by another group, it was unpleasant, stifling and was a bit of an eye opener!

Enjoy your tea Biddys!
what would you like to eat, EcclesCake?

Nothing changes ethandron...that's how we started as a breakaway group, it was just a different lot overtaking everything and we kept getting swamped (and neti has no sense of direction).

My sons called Eccles cakes mouse poo cakes...but they loved them.

It's gone very heavy and cloudy here, think we're in for a storm.
Hello all, it aint alf ot Mum. We are having a quiet day because its so warm. I got Rab to jump into the car earlier and we went for a short ride. he had convinced himself that it would hurt so wouldn't do it. Nw just need to get him confident again.
Lottie, you're not an imposter, I recognise you!
Well, I think youve all done very well to sneak in below the I right in thinking that posts here don't show in 'latest posts'?
We've been sitting on the swingseat all afternoon, imbibing gin and tonic, and vodka and tonic, all in the interests of ..well... somethingorother ...and have decided we both prefer vodka and tonic (although I prefer white wine above anything,sometimes red).
I'm really surprised, and very pleased it has to be said, that you are such a subversive lot and have managed, for so long, to avoid detection :o)
Oh i don't think we're exactly below the radar so much as having made clear that iff you point that thing at us we'll be after you with the dolly and the yard broom :)
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Old? Old? Orf with his jolly oldhead!

Had a lovely day to myself as the others went to a Holy Communion in London. I prefer to shop here. Was bored by 13hrs so got bus to Brighton, popped into 2 £1 shops spent a fortune (how does that happen?) Then had lunch in Muchos Buritos, I had two hard shell tacos, they were delicious, then got bus back as still had to empty dishwasher for sis. Can't workout how to switch her tv/sky on!! Actually bought 2 bras in £1 shop (16/18) but are very comfy, will do for relaxing at home when we have company.
Bra comes off about 4pm regardless of who's around, can't abide the contraptions and wear tops that don't show saggy boobs or prominent nips. If I had my way I would never wear a bra, loathsome things invented by a man I'm sure.. ;)
I've never had an EcclesCake and am now even more unlikely too as I'll just see mouse poo wrapped in pastry :-)

I apologise for crashing your party. I only became aware of it in the past few weeks and had no idea the BiddyBank had been running for so long.

I think it is great and meant no malice when I suggested you were subversive.
I have to wear a bra so it's clear which way is up if I keel over.

So what led you here?
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