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HP Photosmart

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Dakota | 11:38 Sun 09th Oct 2005 | Adverts
7 Answers

I think that ad is clever.  That's all. :)



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yeh me 2. lol
me too
Haha totally, first time i saw it, it was late and i was tired and was most confused *blushes*
Is that the one with the man who puts picture frames around his head? Yeah, that is pretty clever.
Totally agree Dak, the last one which was done in a simliar style was also very impressive. Can I just add I also find the car one (can't remember which car now!) where it turns into like a transformer and dances is ace too.

I agree with BOO, the citreon advert is amazing, if only you could actually buy transformers!!

The HP ad is really clever, I think they've just bought out a new one!

Anyone know where i can download this advert?

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HP Photosmart

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