The music of the country life butter advert in The AnswerBank: Adverts
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The music of the country life butter advert

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kristiansson | 21:30 Sun 16th Apr 2006 | Adverts
8 Answers
What is the music of the country life butter advert when all the animals help the mum tidy the kitchen?


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Its called In the Party mood i think - used to be the theme to Housewives Choice
It is "In Party Mood" and was the theme song for the radio programme "Houswives Choice". It is still available too!

I thought it went:

Oh we are the lands from country life and you can't put a better bit of butter on your knife so if you haven't any in have a word with the wife and spread it on your toast in the morning....

all done in a cornish accent.....

oops, lads not lands...
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Yes thankyou it was Jack
Question Author
Sorry pressed wrong button. Yes thankyou it was Jack Stranchey In Party Mood
The answers saying it's "In Party Mood" from Housewives' Choice are all wrong. The song in the advert was sung to the tune of "D'Ye Ken John Peel" by John Woodcock Graves.
Sorry I may be wrong and in fact talking about a different advert. The one with the butter men.

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