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What will happen to the large amount of ladybirds that went into my garden wheelie bin with the buddlia tree branches i cut back. I've waited for the butterflies to disperse but didn't notice the lbs...
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Just got a new puppy and my 7 year old dog is very wary of it. He has always been brilliant with most dogs but is behaving very strange with the puppy. I have bought a large cage for the pup so that...
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Miss Shroom
I have a male king charles cavalier who likes to wee....everywhere but the paper. He is almost 6 mths and i feel none of the training is working, ive done the rub his nose in it and lock him outside...
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hi, I really hope someone can help with some advice about taxidermy , costs, proceedure etc as a young lad (16) whose staying with us at the moment's cat has just been killed on the road in front of...
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i have just taken in a rescue dog and at the moment its quite nervous its very active and pants alot when we go out in the car and i have tried to clip its nails (which i have done befor on my other...
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retro dog
I was down by the river the other day in sunny old buckinghamshire and noticed some odd looking geese, when i got home i had a look in the trusty bird book but the only thing i could match them to was...
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I was walking in a field which has a marshy area in the centre of it. Just as I came close to the wet area, 6-8 birds flew up out of the grass. I would like to identify them. They looked light brown...
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a sparrowhawk keeps attacking birds in the garden, is there a way i can deter this?
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Why is my fly trap turnning black? I've cut a load of black traps off it new ones grow, but the others turn black. any ideas?
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Hi, my dog recently had pups and some of them have opened their eyes 3 days ago, their eyes are blue in colour at the moment and im not sure if they can see or not. Do you know how soon puppies can...
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I can't understand what my kitten is doing - she's 11 weeks old and usually eats little and often. However, she's getting a bit fussy and when I put food down for her she just turns round and pads the...
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I live in a house which has been converted into two flats. (ie ground floor is one flat and i live in the flat on the second floor). We really want to get a kitten but don't like the idea of it not...
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all over the place are polythene fences at side of roads,are they to protect some kind of wild life? thanks in advance
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I went back to work today after the long holiday and my little dog was obviously VERY cross about being left, when I got home I found that he had opened the fridge and eaten 2 large packets of fresh...
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Anyone out there an expert on Siamese cats? We got our old boy as a rescue animal over 14 years ago, and though we've read lots of cat books, they all seem to be reticent about the longevity of the...
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how can i stop slugs getting on my rabbits food? we have tryd salt
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are there any non red blooded animals?
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Robbie Rabbi
My rabbits's fur is coming out in great clumps leaving only a short fur growth beneath. Is this normal for this time of year? This did not happen last year.
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Hi Just thought Id let you know we have decided to call our kitten Twiglet. She is tortoiseshell so it suits her. We will prob call her Twigs or Twiggy for short. Thanks for all your suggestions. And...
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When mating dogs do the bitch and dog need to 'tie' for a pragnancy to take place?

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