two out of three of my cats are in love with my feet the flop down onto the floor rubbing and nudging my feet purring and making little plippy sounds its lovely but just wondered why they do it?
Hi All I was bitten yesterday, not badly but bitten never the less by a neighbours dachshund. It tore my trousers and I had to have a tetenus jab. They are really nice people and their two dogs a...
took the puppy into work today and it had a pop at a mates 50 kg (youngster) Dogue when he was sniffing at him. He's not scared of anything but barking at a dog 5 times his weight is a bit brave. Is...
About 6 weeks ago, our all black moggy had a nasty abcess on her side. Took her to the vet who shaved the area to clean the wound out. Now the fur is growing back pale wiry grey! She's always had a...
i am looking to start my own security business with the help of my due rottweiler puppies however i am informed that the docking of tails is now illegal unless a working dog . i no from previous...
Hello In my goldfish pond my fish are very reluctant to swim about freely. I have 12 small gold fish and one large fish (6 inches) is it possible that the presence of the larger fish is keeping the...
Help! I have 2 rats and they're always fighting. There's a big fat one that keeps steeling the little one's food and generally going for him for no reason! The last rat did this to him aswell. They're...
How can I stop my dog digging in the garden? She is a 9 month old spaniel and digs in the lawn, the borders, even in pots. Its making a real mess of the garden.
Dear Ab'ers, has anyone ever bought a pet back from the EU to the UK? I live in Italy at the moment (South) due to move back to the UK in the Autumn. I'm so concerned that they just don't get it here,...
My boxer bitch is nearly three years old and she is in season at the moment. This is her third or fourth and each one has been the same, she only loses a very small amount of blood that lasts only a...
Hi all, i have had my visit from the RSPCA and have been given the go ahead to adopt two beauty kittens, 14 weeks old, both males. Can anyone suggest names for them as i can not make up my mind what...
Hi, I was given a solitary Russian Hamster earlier this year. Its owners couldnt be bothered with it because it wasn't ideal to be handled by the kids. I know these little cuties can live in colonies...
Hi, one of my cats was poorly on friday, sickness, off her food, generally under the weather. shes fine now, it lasted 24/48 hrs. On sunday i started to feel ill, and have had a nasty tummy bug ever...
We have our new pup coming home in two weeks (so excited) And I was wondering can I take him to the vets for his first set of jabs on the same day we bring him home? TIA x