I am an animal lover. but the dog next door is a bit of a nuisance. The problem is we have a cat and the dog spends a lot of time snuffling through the fence, presumably to try and sniff out if the cat is around. This is an annoying noise if you are trying to enjoy a sit in the garden. My question then, is there a smell that dogs don't care for that I could perhaps spray on the fence to deter him. Nothing harmful.
But its not the barking he is complaining about, its the poor dog doing what dogs do in its own garden - sorry but I think this is way OTT and I would be encouraging the dog to snuffle at your fence if I were her.
Are we at cross purposes lankeela? I was trying to help daffy who has a problem with barking all day even when the owner is in. I agree that complaining about 'snuffling' is OTT. I think it's cute actually, but then again I am dog crackers ... !
I've tried the council route notasyoungasiwas, they were as much use as a chocolate fireguard. They had me keep a log of the barking for 3 months then when I submitted the report they someohow managed to lose it, despite the fact it was sent recorded delivery and I have proof they received it and signed for it.
Agree with Lankeela ^. Barking is not the issue in the OP. And a dog snuffling around in it's own garden is natural and what dog's do. You can't complain about snuffling. As I said before, snuffling is a sound not a noise and people can become so obsessed by something that annoys them that they listen out for it. Try and forget it minty if you ever come back to this thread!!
I seem to have raised a few hackles here :) Perhaps you would have to hear it to truly appreciate it, occasionally even the owner shoo her away. I've enjoyed reading your comments.
Please don't take a radio out into the garden to drown out the sound - there is nothing worse than having a neighbour's choice of radio programme (or, indeed, music) spoiling a lovely quiet afternoon in the garden.
minty, does the cat mind? I would just ignore it if I were you - next door's dog is snuffling all the time, we just don't take any notice. Our cats aren't bothered by the dog unless he comes onto our territory. If the cat's not bothered, I think you have to learn to live with it.