Cat Lovers in The AnswerBank: Pets
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Cat Lovers

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ubasses | 14:19 Fri 11th May 2012 | Pets
9 Answers
Hope this works. How to comfort a nightmare
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Obviously didn't, perhaps this will
In what way, the cat is a nightmare or you are?

If it is the cat get some feliway it works wonders, you can either get a spray or a room diffuser
awwh thats not a nightmare thats little kitty is dreaming of all the mice and birds she is going to catch when she is older
Awww that was so lovely ...
Awwwwww!! ♥♥♥
Question Author
I hope you are right Friedgreen tomato but that was how it was Emaled to me.
is'nt that em10..avatar? similar if not, but gorgeous.x
My cat only catches mice in his dreams. Doesn't give a damn about the mice living in the house. I've had to put mousetraps all over the place, but the rodents are too savvy to go near them. I could do with Les Dawson's mother-in-law coming round, so all the mice will throw themselves on the traps first.

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