Can't think why the makers need human food tasters. The stuff tastes extraordinarily bland, by the way, and dog biscuits all taste the same, to me,apart from the black ones, but evidently the dog can tell them apart, since mine each have particular preferred ones in a box of 'Shapes'.
But there's this fashion for making little trays of gourmet dog food, the labels of which read like a menu entry in a good restaurant. It seems that the makers are encouraging the belief of some owners that the dog is a small human. Then a human food-taster might make some absurd 'sense'.
Years ago, at Bournemouth Dog Show, my mother witnessed Mrs Barbara 'Walkies' Woodhouse carefully tasting the dog food, on the basis that if it was not good enough for her, it was not good enough for her dogs. My mother thought Mrs Woodhouse completely mad for that.