Food & Drink1 min ago
Dog Rolling In Poo
any ideas why it would do this? That was the first time today.
Sandy, I've no idea why, but when mine rolled in Fox poo a while ago a fellow Ab'er gave me a brilliant tip to get the smell out (and yes, it worked) - rub in tomato ketchup or passata into the fur, let it sit in the fur for about 20 mins (dog will need to stay in the garden for a bit), then rinse out. Worked a treat
17:03 Wed 12th Nov 2014
quite natural apparently
http:// www.ped igree.c om/all- things- dog/art icle-li brary/w hy-do-d ogs-rol l-in-sm elly-th px
thank you for sharing this with us sandy!
thank you for sharing this with us sandy!
isnt it instinct ? ( complex voluntary behaviour which is inherited )
Tinbergen was big in this and you can even read a book on something called behavioural ecology
The dog is rolling in poo so as the smell will put off prey when it stalks it
( even tho dogs are mainly carrion feeders )
anyway this was the explanation given by my father in the fifties
and HE had been taught social anthropology by a fellow called Raymond Dart ( not that humans roll in poo that often )
That reminds me - my dog rolled in a rotten fish once
and even people in the street were saying - blimey mate your dog is honking something awful ....
isnt it instinct ? ( complex voluntary behaviour which is inherited )
Tinbergen was big in this and you can even read a book on something called behavioural ecology
The dog is rolling in poo so as the smell will put off prey when it stalks it
( even tho dogs are mainly carrion feeders )
anyway this was the explanation given by my father in the fifties
and HE had been taught social anthropology by a fellow called Raymond Dart ( not that humans roll in poo that often )
That reminds me - my dog rolled in a rotten fish once
and even people in the street were saying - blimey mate your dog is honking something awful ....
Sandy, I've no idea why, but when mine rolled in Fox poo a while ago a fellow Ab'er gave me a brilliant tip to get the smell out (and yes, it worked) - rub in tomato ketchup or passata into the fur, let it sit in the fur for about 20 mins (dog will need to stay in the garden for a bit), then rinse out.
Worked a treat
Worked a treat
I don't understand peaspeculiars' answer. Why would you have your dog waiting around for 20 mins stinking of fox poo and covered in tomato sauce and stuck in the garden? The neighbours would be calling the police. Could you imagine what it would look like? Why wouldn't you just take it straight into the bath or shower and wash it out?
It's something in the tomato juice enzymes which react with the fox poo smell apparently ladybirder - and don't worry, the dog wasn't stuck in the back yard on his own, we spent the 20 minutes playing with a tugger toy and doing some training, it wasn't like the scene from a horror movie with ketchup flying everywhere and the neighbours screaming for the police ;-)