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Bedlington Terrier

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888sally888 | 11:54 Wed 07th Feb 2007 | Pets
2 Answers
If I had a pound for every time someone asked me what breed my 5 month old Bedlington Pickles is I would be rich!!

Has anyone else out there got one - arent they great dogs?


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I stewarded at a dog show on Sunday and one breed was the Bedlingtons. They are so cute with their little woolly lamb heads. There was a gorgeous six month old puppy who was still that lovely dark bluish colour, before he goes lighter grey like the others. My friend breeds them, and as tiny puppies they look like guinea pigs.
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Glad you agree - just returned from a massive walk with mine and she's still mad - puppy training tonight - hope it works.

We are not planning to show ours - I like them looking a bit messy and curly!!

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Bedlington Terrier

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