Bakers Dog Food,
This dog food has 13 different E numbers, and it is high in sugar. Sugar is about the sixth listed ingredient, and dogs don't need it in their diet, but like to a child, sugar is appetising.
In my opinion I would immediately change your dog needs a sensible diet, a poor diet will lead to other problems later..........Have a look at Arden Grange, James Wellbeloved, Hills..try and stay away from the more commercal dog food such as bakers, pedigree chum etc
Young dogs have a lots of energy in need of release (and you are doubling this by giving extra Sugar). Lack of exercise or being locked in confined areas without activity could increase the risk of having a hyperactive dog. The wrong diet for your dog, including poor nutrition such as artificial coloring and flavoring in his food increase the risk of having a hyperactive dog.
Hope I have helped a bit.