�350 is a ridiculous price. Breeding three different breeds together doesn't make anything else than a mongrel. Neither, strictly, does breeding two together. A pedigree dog is one that breeds true for generations, so the pups are always distinctively the same, as are the adults.It is true that most, if not all, of our pedigree dogs are the result of mixing breeds a very long time ago but all of them mated with another of the same breed now produce offspring which are like the parents and like all of that breed,not any of the breeds used originally.
You are being caught by someone trying to cash in on the fashion for 'designer breeds', like the cockerpoo and labradoodle.These are a recent cross of two pedigree breeds, but even they don't breed true ,each litter of each bitch having the characteristics of those breeds in different amounts.
Please go to a dog shelter, as suggested, and choose something you like.