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I didn't realise two horses died in Grand National today.

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ladybirder | 00:00 Sun 10th Apr 2011 | Animals & Nature
152 Answers
That's awful. Does anybody else feel the same?


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Most people regard horse racing as a harmless sport in which the animals are willing participants who thoroughly enjoy the thrill. The truth is that, behind the scenes, lies a story of immense suffering.

Approximately 18,000 foals are born into the closely-related British and Irish racing industries each year, yet only around 40% go on to become...
09:34 Sun 10th Apr 2011
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doubt it, he's always been this unlikeable.
This thread has gone off the point but all those who were affected please sign the current petition to ban it please.
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I read today that it's now 3 horses from the race who've died
Yeah,doubt if it will change things,and as we have seen,it isn't the only race that has fatalities,but I like to think I'm doing something.Did the third horse die a while after the race then Prudie?
You maybe thinking of dear old Bonanza Boy who has died aged 30. He ran in the Grand National in the late 80's/early 90's. I don't think another horse has died after Saturday's race, thankfully.
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I'm guessing so, it was put down after breaking its leg but presumably not immediately once the race had finished so didn't get reported at the time. There's also a jockey in a coma.

Sorry I misread but it's still as bad - it died from a race on Thursday at Aintree.
Peter Toole is a young Irish Jockey who is in a critical condition in the Walton Hospital in Liverpool, he seems to have been forgotten!!!!!
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I have noticed that in the press today, DM and DT, people who oppose horse racing are sneeringly referred to as 'Do-gooders'. In the DT the owner or the trainer of one of the horses that died as good as blamed the Do-gooders for the death for getting the drop on the fences shortened. He says it allows the horses to go faster and it's the speed that kills. Note at the end of the following passage I have copied from the DT, that the winning jockey received a 5-day whip ban. Now whipping a horse wouldn't make the horse go more quickly would it.

"The fact remains that despite the huge negatives being trotted out by the national press – the fascination of the Grand National in this country and beyond continues. This interest is principally because the race remains the ultimate challenge for horse and rider. It is the Everest of the racing world. A sell-out crowd of 70,000 attended, viewing figures were up on the BBC, and bookmakers reported unparalleled betting.
Jason Maguire, the winning jockey received a five-day whip ban, but it would not have mattered how they penalised him, Maguire would have done everything possible to land the National. A talented and supremely-loyal jockey, he deserved it".

Anyway, I have passed the petition that ganesh posted, thanks for that ganesh, to friends who I think will support it. I'm sure everyone else who feels strongly will do the same. Looked on Youtube and there is certainly a lot of footage on there about it.
Peter has NOT drawn any attention away from the dead horses, in fact the papers and T.V are full of the horses, with very little mention of this poor young lad. I wonder if this would be the case if he were a F1 Driver, Footballer, or Golfer????

I doubt it very much.......Rooney, Beckham, Woods, all over the papers, for all the wrong reasons.

Its totally heartless to say Peter will "draw attention away from the horses", imagine how this 21 year olds parants are feeling right now!

I have had horses all my life, have 4 at the moment (where as some on here would'nt know which end the bridle goes on), and I love them dearly, but I'd give one up tomorrow to save this lads life.
The jockeys, trainers and owners know what they are doing and have a choice, which is more than can said for the horses. Most here know my feelings on this barbaric race before and after it took place and I was slated bye several for airing my feelings. I'm glad other people have noticed just what this race is like for the think that the winner had to have oxygen and water when it finished and after being whipped like mad too...says just what this race it all about. Cruelty.
Over 5,000 children in the world dead from malnutrition - and that's just since this thread started. I didn't see that mentioned on any front pages, or sobbed over to excess in Online Forum threads.
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If they must insist on carrying on with this, why don't they lower the damned fences?
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I didn't realise two horses died in Grand National today.

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