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Is it normal for my cat to only have two kittens?

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LOST-yeah | 09:59 Thu 05th May 2011 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
They say that the first litter is always small, about 3-4, but two doesn't seem to be normal. It has only been about a day, and some people have told me that iit is still possible for her to have more. Sadly the second kitten never started breathing no mattter how much she licked it and I rubbed it, it was very big compared to the other kitten too. Also, I'm not sure whether I should breed her again in the future.
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Hi LOST-yeah...I had a cat once that only had one kitten and that was a little cripple...I've always had a cat spayed after her first litter so i wouldn't know about it affecting any other litter...not a believer in putting cats through it a second time...but that's only my opinion.
Not only your opinion momac, mine and no doubt others too.

If this is a pedigree cat it should already have a usual Vet that you should have contacted by now.

If it is a household moggie she still needs to be checked out by a Vet but get her fixed straight away. There are already too many unloved cat in the world.
Agree with wildwood. Hundreds of lovely cats already in rescue centres that can't get homes. Why would you want to ad to the problem? Please do the right thing Lost, get her to a vet now and then get her neutered as soon as you can.
My friends cat has had 2 litters where she has gone on to have another kitten a couple of days later.

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Is it normal for my cat to only have two kittens?

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