ihave got a 12 week old male kitten who is perfectly healthy and is in great care. I am not quite sure however what he needs at the vet are nueturing, vaccinating and worming all essential and does he need anything else at the vet? Answers much appreciated.
Yes, they are all essential and the vet will advise on anything else he needs. Maybe flea treatment would be a good idea but don't let the vet give you Frontline, the fleas have become immune to it. It's a waste of money.
I would phone round local vets as they all charge different prices. You could also ask them if you could pay by instalments. If you are on benefits you may get help from the pdsa.
Ummmm FL worked for my animals for 17 years but it doesn't anymore nor does it for a lot of people. If you google does FL still work you will see what I mean. Fleas have become immune to it. That is why you can get it on Amazon so cheaply. They're having a job to give it away. My vet has told me he won't stock it anymore as he's had so many complaints. I was trying to stop the poster wasting her money, that's all. And can I suggest you keep a close eye on your animals over the coming months and watch for any signs of it not working on them. Just trying to be helpful.
If you phone your vet they will give you prices. Vaccinating and neutering are essential, wormers you can buy online but as its for just one kitten then probably best to buy from the vet. Don't flea treat unless they need it - why put more chemicals into your pet than you need to? If you do need to treat them get Frontline spray from the vet rather than the 'spot on' stuff you have to use regularly. Microchipping is also a good idea, although the vet will be dearer than someone who does it (a lot of dog breeders do it or can tell you where to get it done). Also sometimes they have offers on at Pets At Home or similar pet supermarkets or your local cat rescue might do it cheaper for you.
thank you for all the answers and responses i appreciate them and should be taking my kitten to the vet soon i might also try the RSPCA once again thanks
i have never taken any of my cats to the vet and they are ok. i de-flea with bob martin (asda) and de-worm with drontal (online - bestpet) using drops on the back of the neck. no problems so far...after 30 years of keeping cats x
At one time i had 5 cats, mum and 4 kittens. I kept them all and rang the vet for a deal on neutering / spaying. He did the boys for free ( boys are cheaper ) I paid for the girls. At the same time he did the jabs, again 2 for free. Talk to your vet, they are human.