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callofduty123 | 05:27 Tue 08th Nov 2011 | Animals & Nature
21 Answers
My cat has just dragged in a shrew,was half alive when she let go (a gift) we could see it was about to die so tried to make it comfortable but it died within minutes of her bringing it in. My boyfriend then noticed she was pregnant (hes done an animal care course) she must be about to pop as it's been 10 minutes since she died and we can still see movement from the babies just wondering if there is anything we can do? We need help ASAP please!! thank you!!!


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Kill them or just let them die, they cannot survive on their own. It's the only practical solution. Use the flat of a garden spade and hit it hard a few times.
06:53 Tue 08th Nov 2011
Kill them or just let them die, they cannot survive on their own. It's the only practical solution. Use the flat of a garden spade and hit it hard a few times.
If this upsets you get rid of the cat. But it's all part of life's (death's) rich pattern - doing what comes naturally.
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The breeding season for a shrew ends in September.
Probably too late now but I'd have taken it to a vet who would deal with the babies humanely. I doubt they would have done anything to save them even if they could, as they would probably not survive without their mother.
Can I just say, that has to be one of the best question titles ever on Answerbank!
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You will have to do the right thing as formerly suggested here. They can not live alone without their mother.

Sorry we can not be any more positive.
aw this is so sad..i know its the circle of life etc, but to see the belly wriggling...i dont know if i could have just let them die... even though they probably would anyway... i think id have been tempted to try to get them out and try to feed them etc...
i dont know ...i hope you did what you think is right...
Put it in the garden, the creatures of the night are very efficient.
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Thank you everyone for your replies, the cat often brings animals home some half alive which we humanely kill and some still living which we release back into nature, I know the cat does this it was just the fact that the shrew was pregnant and just wanted to know if there was anything we could do to give the babies a chance, after about 5 minutes they stopped moving inside the mother so we knew they had died too. We put her back in the garden, so the circle of life could continue. Thanks again for your replies!!
Is that nearly a line from a Johnny Cash song?
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Also to billandhiscat, Xmas is not a celebration of the turning of the year, it a celebration of the birth of Christ. Secondly, we eat meat because we have EVOLVED and it is good for you! Thirdly, I am a vegetarian so will have no guilt at christmas time.
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which jonny cash song?
A Boy Named Sue
Strap a muzzle on the vicious predator
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it's a cat not a man eating wolf i think she's ok without a muzzle
My man eating wolf would make a shrew out of her and you wouldn't be happy.
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they make a nice soup - need a recipe?

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